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Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Emergency Notice: Disaster Recovery Center
The Public is advised that the Disaster Recovery center is open at Lee Auditorium, residents of affected areas of are encouraged to visit the Center which is a central source of information on assistance resources for those how have lost their homes/ properties. EOC is encouraging residents of Pago Pago, Fagasa & Satala to go in to the Center ASAP - Friday October 9, 2009, Saturday October 10, 2009 and Monday October 12, 2009.
Ofisa Fesoasoani mo Fa’alavelave
E fa’asilasila atu, ua fa’amautu nei le Ofisa Fesoasoani mo Fa’alavelave (Disaster Recovery) ile Fale Laumei – Lee Auditorium i Utulei. E fautuaina le mamalu o aiga na mafatia ile fa’alavelave talu ai, e asiasi atu ile ofisa lenei mo le fesoasoani e tusa ai ma mea totino na fa’aleagaina ile galu lolo. Mo le mamalu o tagata nu’u i Pago Pago, Fagasa ma Satala, fa’amolemole o’o atu ile ofisa lenei ile Aso Faraile - Oketopa 9, ma le Aso To’ona’i – Oketopa 10, fa’apea ma le Aso Gafua – Oketopa 12, 2009. E tatalaina ile 8 ile taeao ae tapunia ile 6 ile afiafi.
The Public is advised that the Disaster Recovery center is open at Lee Auditorium, residents of affected areas of are encouraged to visit the Center which is a central source of information on assistance resources for those how have lost their homes/ properties. EOC is encouraging residents of Pago Pago, Fagasa & Satala to go in to the Center ASAP - Friday October 9, 2009, Saturday October 10, 2009 and Monday October 12, 2009.
Ofisa Fesoasoani mo Fa’alavelave
E fa’asilasila atu, ua fa’amautu nei le Ofisa Fesoasoani mo Fa’alavelave (Disaster Recovery) ile Fale Laumei – Lee Auditorium i Utulei. E fautuaina le mamalu o aiga na mafatia ile fa’alavelave talu ai, e asiasi atu ile ofisa lenei mo le fesoasoani e tusa ai ma mea totino na fa’aleagaina ile galu lolo. Mo le mamalu o tagata nu’u i Pago Pago, Fagasa ma Satala, fa’amolemole o’o atu ile ofisa lenei ile Aso Faraile - Oketopa 9, ma le Aso To’ona’i – Oketopa 10, fa’apea ma le Aso Gafua – Oketopa 12, 2009. E tatalaina ile 8 ile taeao ae tapunia ile 6 ile afiafi.
Emergency Notice: Funeral Assistance
EOC NOTICE: FEMA Funeral assistance
To families who lost a family member in the disaster, FEMA may help with funeral associated costs such as - cost of casket, mortuary services, transport of deceased or up to two (2) family members into the area to identify the deceased, two (2) death certificates, burial plot, interment or cremation.
Please call EOC: 699-3800. We will forward your details to the proper authorities.
Fesoasoani a le FEMA mo Maliu
E fa’asilasila atu ma le ava e tatau ai, i aiga uma na maliliu tagata o a latou aiga ile fa’alavelave talu ai, o lo’o iai le fesoasoani e maua mai ile FEMA mo le tapenaga ma sauniga ole maliu. Telefoni mai ile Ofisa Tumaoti o Fa’alavelave mo se fa’amalamalamaga atili i lea fesoasoani.
To families who lost a family member in the disaster, FEMA may help with funeral associated costs such as - cost of casket, mortuary services, transport of deceased or up to two (2) family members into the area to identify the deceased, two (2) death certificates, burial plot, interment or cremation.
Please call EOC: 699-3800. We will forward your details to the proper authorities.
Fesoasoani a le FEMA mo Maliu
E fa’asilasila atu ma le ava e tatau ai, i aiga uma na maliliu tagata o a latou aiga ile fa’alavelave talu ai, o lo’o iai le fesoasoani e maua mai ile FEMA mo le tapenaga ma sauniga ole maliu. Telefoni mai ile Ofisa Tumaoti o Fa’alavelave mo se fa’amalamalamaga atili i lea fesoasoani.
Emergency Notice: Palolo Advisory
EPA: Beach & Palolo Advisory
The public is advised that there is still bacteria in the streams and beaches from last weeks disaster and it is unsafe to swim/ fish or wade in these areas. It is also advised that it is unsafe to ta palolo or consume any palolo extracted from these areas.
On the west side: Malota Stream, Utumea beach, Asili Beach across from the LMS Church, Leone Pala, Central Pala Lagoon, Coconut Point, Nu'uuli.
On the East side: Vatia Steam (the 2nd bridge), Pouesi opposite Pouesi Mart, Aua stream (near the bridge), Lauli'i Tuai Stream.
Fa’aaliga Taua mo Gataifale ma le Palolo
E fa’asilasila atu ile mamalu lautele ma le ava e tatau ai, o lo’o fa’atamaia pea le sami ma gataifale talu na afatai le tatou motu i galu lolo talu ai. E le o saogalemu ma e lapata’i atu fo’i e taofi le fagota ma ta’elega i alaalafaga o lo’o afaina. E lapata’i atu fo’i e le tatau ona faia ni taga palolo, ma le saogalemu fo’i le taumafa palolo mai nei gataifale o lo’o fa’atamaia.
O alaalafaga ne’i o lo’o fa’atamaia gataifale:
Falelima I Sisifo: Alavai i Malota, Matafaga I Utumea, Asili i luma ole Falesa EFKAS, le Pala I Leone, Le pala i Nu’uuli Coconut Point ma le Fagaloa
Falelima I Sasa’e:
Alavai i Vatia – auala laupapa, Aua gatai a’e ole Faleoloa a Pouesi ma le auala laupapa, le alavai i Lauli’i Tuai.
The public is advised that there is still bacteria in the streams and beaches from last weeks disaster and it is unsafe to swim/ fish or wade in these areas. It is also advised that it is unsafe to ta palolo or consume any palolo extracted from these areas.
On the west side: Malota Stream, Utumea beach, Asili Beach across from the LMS Church, Leone Pala, Central Pala Lagoon, Coconut Point, Nu'uuli.
On the East side: Vatia Steam (the 2nd bridge), Pouesi opposite Pouesi Mart, Aua stream (near the bridge), Lauli'i Tuai Stream.
Fa’aaliga Taua mo Gataifale ma le Palolo
E fa’asilasila atu ile mamalu lautele ma le ava e tatau ai, o lo’o fa’atamaia pea le sami ma gataifale talu na afatai le tatou motu i galu lolo talu ai. E le o saogalemu ma e lapata’i atu fo’i e taofi le fagota ma ta’elega i alaalafaga o lo’o afaina. E lapata’i atu fo’i e le tatau ona faia ni taga palolo, ma le saogalemu fo’i le taumafa palolo mai nei gataifale o lo’o fa’atamaia.
O alaalafaga ne’i o lo’o fa’atamaia gataifale:
Falelima I Sisifo: Alavai i Malota, Matafaga I Utumea, Asili i luma ole Falesa EFKAS, le Pala I Leone, Le pala i Nu’uuli Coconut Point ma le Fagaloa
Falelima I Sasa’e:
Alavai i Vatia – auala laupapa, Aua gatai a’e ole Faleoloa a Pouesi ma le auala laupapa, le alavai i Lauli’i Tuai.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Emergency Notice: Power Outage
Power Outage in Vaitogi, Taputimu through to Fagamalo.
There is an outage on the western side of the island, in the villages of Vaitogi, Taputimu - Fagamalo. Please be advised that ASPA are currently working to restore Power and will keep the public informed.
Fa’aaliga – mo le Eletise i Vaitogi, Taputimu i Fagamalo
Ole a motusia le eletise ile itu i sisifo ole motu, e a’afia ai le alaalafaga i Vaitogi, Taputimu e o’o atu i Fagamalo. O lo’o galulue le puleaga ole Eletise – ASPA - e toe fa’aleleia ma fa’aola le eletise I nei alaalafaga, ma ole a fa’apena ona fa’ailoa atu ile mamalu lautele nei taumafaiga.
There is an outage on the western side of the island, in the villages of Vaitogi, Taputimu - Fagamalo. Please be advised that ASPA are currently working to restore Power and will keep the public informed.
Fa’aaliga – mo le Eletise i Vaitogi, Taputimu i Fagamalo
Ole a motusia le eletise ile itu i sisifo ole motu, e a’afia ai le alaalafaga i Vaitogi, Taputimu e o’o atu i Fagamalo. O lo’o galulue le puleaga ole Eletise – ASPA - e toe fa’aleleia ma fa’aola le eletise I nei alaalafaga, ma ole a fa’apena ona fa’ailoa atu ile mamalu lautele nei taumafaiga.
Emergency Notice: Affected Businesses
Affected Businesses
Notice to all private companies & business that were affected by the tsunami/ earthquake and are now closed. Please contact the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to give us the situation so we can inform the public of your status. EOC Ph: 699-3800
Fa’aaliga mo Pisinisi
O fa’aaliga uma i pisinisi ma kamupani na afaina ile galu lolo ua fa’amuta ile aso nei. Fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i mai le Ofisa Tumaoti o Fa’alavelave le EOC – e tusa ai ma le tulaga o a outou pisinisi, aua le fa’ailoa atu ile mamalu lautele. Telefoni mai ile 699-3800
Notice to all private companies & business that were affected by the tsunami/ earthquake and are now closed. Please contact the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to give us the situation so we can inform the public of your status. EOC Ph: 699-3800
Fa’aaliga mo Pisinisi
O fa’aaliga uma i pisinisi ma kamupani na afaina ile galu lolo ua fa’amuta ile aso nei. Fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i mai le Ofisa Tumaoti o Fa’alavelave le EOC – e tusa ai ma le tulaga o a outou pisinisi, aua le fa’ailoa atu ile mamalu lautele. Telefoni mai ile 699-3800
Emergency Notice: Lady Naomi Service
Lady Naomi To Commence Services
The Lady Naomi will resume island ferry services to Samoa tomorrow Wednesday October 7, 2009.
Ferry Times for Wednesdays and Fridays:
Expected Time of Arrival: 8am
Departure Time: 4pm
Thank you
Director Port Administration
Fa’aauau Faigamalaga a le Lady Naomi
Ole a toe fa’aauau faigamalaga a le Lady Naomi i Samoa, ile Aso Lulu, October 7, 2009.
Aso Lulu ma le Aso Faraile, e taunu’u mai ai i Tutuila ile 8:00 ile taeao, ma toe faimalaga atu ile 4 ile afiafi.
The Lady Naomi will resume island ferry services to Samoa tomorrow Wednesday October 7, 2009.
Ferry Times for Wednesdays and Fridays:
Expected Time of Arrival: 8am
Departure Time: 4pm
Thank you
Director Port Administration
Fa’aauau Faigamalaga a le Lady Naomi
Ole a toe fa’aauau faigamalaga a le Lady Naomi i Samoa, ile Aso Lulu, October 7, 2009.
Aso Lulu ma le Aso Faraile, e taunu’u mai ai i Tutuila ile 8:00 ile taeao, ma toe faimalaga atu ile 4 ile afiafi.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Emergency Notice: Drinking Water
The public is advised that all drinking water needs to boiled before drinking. Pipelines were damaged as a result of the disaster which may have affected the safety of drinking water. As a precautionary note, all drinking water from the taps or drinking fountains must be boiled before drinking.
Emergency Notice: Health Clinic Hours
The following Health Clinics are open for the public in need of medical attention:
Tafuna Clinic: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 12pm midnight
Leone: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 8pm
Amouli: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 8pm
V.A. Clinic: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
Tafuna Clinic: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 12pm midnight
Leone: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 8pm
Amouli: Monday - Sunday, 8am - 8pm
V.A. Clinic: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
Emergency Notice: Schools
The public is advised that the following four Schools remain closed due to premises being damaged during the disaster.
Leatele, Fagasa
Masefau Elementary
Matatula Elementary
Alataualua & Taputapu
Schools are expected to open again on Tuesday October 13th when school renovations are expected to be completed.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) centers are all open Monday, October 5th as per usual
All private schools open as of Monday, October 5th.
Leatele, Fagasa
Masefau Elementary
Matatula Elementary
Alataualua & Taputapu
Schools are expected to open again on Tuesday October 13th when school renovations are expected to be completed.
Early Childhood Education (ECE) centers are all open Monday, October 5th as per usual
All private schools open as of Monday, October 5th.
Emergency Notice: Court House Hours
The public is advised that the High Court official business is suspended due to the current situation not being safe for employees. The District Court is open as per usual. A High Court Clerk will be present at the District Court to accept cases by any attorneys that need to be heard. Necessary parties will be contacted by the High Court regarding on-going cases or pending cases.
Emergency Notice: Assistance for Animals
Veterinarians from the Humane Society will be on island to help animals that were affected by the disaster. For more information, to help or to get help for your animals please contact Sheryl on 258-5816.
Emergency Notice: ASG Vehicles
To all ASG employees using ASG vehicles for disaster related efforts please pick up coupons for gas at the ASG budget office. For records & book keeping purposes please write DISASTER on back of coupon.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Emergency Notice: LBJ Infection Control
The staff of LBJ Tropical Medical Center would like to ask the help of the community in complying with infection control. There have been a lot of young children, teenagers seen wandering the hospital premises. Some are seen in the hospital corridors, patient wards, picking into patient's wounds.
Children, and anyone for that matter should not be exposed unnecessarily to sick people and infections at the hospital. To minimize the risk of infection, please refrain from going to or remaining at LBJ Hospital unless absolutely necessary.
E talosaga atu ma le fa’aaloalo e tatau ai ile mamalu lautele ia fesoasoani e fa’aieteete ma puipui mai i fa’ama’i pipisi. Ua va’aia le to’atele o tamaiti ma tupulaga laiti o feoa’i solo i totonu ole tatou fale ma’i, ma o’o atu I poto o lo’o iai tagata mama’i.
Mo le soifua maloloina ma le saogalemu, e tatau ona puipui mai tagata uma aemaise le fanau laiti mai le afaina i fa’ama’i e ono pipisi mai inifeti o tagata mama’i. Fa’amolemole asiasi atu ile fale mai pe’a fai ua tatau ma mana’omia le fesoasoani, ina ia tau fa’aititia ai le afaaina mai le tele ole fa’ama’i pipisi.
The staff of LBJ Tropical Medical Center would like to ask the help of the community in complying with infection control. There have been a lot of young children, teenagers seen wandering the hospital premises. Some are seen in the hospital corridors, patient wards, picking into patient's wounds.
Children, and anyone for that matter should not be exposed unnecessarily to sick people and infections at the hospital. To minimize the risk of infection, please refrain from going to or remaining at LBJ Hospital unless absolutely necessary.
E talosaga atu ma le fa’aaloalo e tatau ai ile mamalu lautele ia fesoasoani e fa’aieteete ma puipui mai i fa’ama’i pipisi. Ua va’aia le to’atele o tamaiti ma tupulaga laiti o feoa’i solo i totonu ole tatou fale ma’i, ma o’o atu I poto o lo’o iai tagata mama’i.
Mo le soifua maloloina ma le saogalemu, e tatau ona puipui mai tagata uma aemaise le fanau laiti mai le afaina i fa’ama’i e ono pipisi mai inifeti o tagata mama’i. Fa’amolemole asiasi atu ile fale mai pe’a fai ua tatau ma mana’omia le fesoasoani, ina ia tau fa’aititia ai le afaaina mai le tele ole fa’ama’i pipisi.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Emergency Notice: DOH Notices
Department of Health Notices:
Remains of Deceased
The remains of the deceased lost during the tragic tsunami are being embalmed. Remains of those that have been identified can be picked up from the morgue. Families and friends of the deceased are asked to please refrain from frequent visits due to the health risks.
Missing Persons Center
A missing persons center has been established at LBJ Hospital. Those with family members still missing are asked please report here with a Recent picture and/ or a description of their relative (Gender, Approximate Height, Color/ Length of Hair) to help authorities locate missing persons.
Phone number: 633-1975
Hours: 8am - 8pm
Counselling Available
Counselling services are being set up at LBJ for anyone dealing with trauma from the event. Symptoms include a change in behavior such as:
• Panic reaction on exposure to the site of the event
• Change in sleep/ wake cycle
• Emotional disturbances such as increased tearfulness, a sense of doom or hopelessness, increased inability, nightmares, constant thinking about the trauma/ event, guilty feelings of survivors - asking "Why me?", worrying about the future.
Pharmacy Hours
Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm
Sunday 8am - 12pm
Arrangements can be made to pay later, everyone is encouraged to get their prescription filled and make sure to stay on their medication for the full cycle.
Tino Maliu
Ile ava ma le fa’aaloalo e tatau ai, e fa’asilasila atu ai o lo’o faia le galuega masani a le falema’i ole fa’amamaina o tino o tagata maliliu uma mai le galu lolo. A mae’a, e mafai ona ona fa’atulaga le aveeseina ole tino maliu o a outou aiga pe’a fai ua uma ona fa’amaonia ma le fale gasegase. E talosaga atu ina ia fesoasoani mai e fa’aitiiti le taimi e asiasi atu ai ile potu maliu aua le puipui ile soifua maloloina.
Ofisa mo Tagata o Aiga o lo’o Sailia
O lo’o fa’amautu nei i le fale gasegase i Fagaalu – LBJ – le ofisa e lipoti atu ai Tagata o Aiga o lo’o tau saili. Fa’amolemole, aiga uma o lo’o saili pea tagata o a latou aiga talu mai le galu lolo, fa’afeso’ota’i mai lenei ofisa, ma taua’ao mai se ata ole tagata o lo’o tau sailia, ma isi fa’amatalaga e tusa ai ma le matua ole tagata, lanu ole lauulu, le maualuga, ma le mamafa. Telefoni mai ile 633-1975 mai le 8 ile taeao e o’o atu ile 8 ile afiafi.
O lo’o mau le fesoasoani ile fale gasegase i Fagaalu, mo so’o se tagata o lo’o mana’omia le fesoasoani i fautuaga ae maise le fa’amafanafana i le fa’afeagai ma nei mafatiaga ua tutupu. O tulaga va’aia e silafia ai ua mana’omia le fesoasoani:
· Foliga popole pe o’o atu ile nofoaga ua afaina pe ua fa’atamaia ile fa’alavelave
· Suiga ile taimi e tofa ai ma toe alafa’i ai – le moe lelei
· Fa’ateleina le loto vaivai, tagi i taimi uma ma mafaufau pea ile fa’alavelave ua tuana’i, fa’apea ma le fesiligia pe aisea ua tupu ai le fa’alavelave, ma popole ile lumana’i
Itula Fa’atulagaina e Maua ai Talavai
Aso Gafua ile Aso Faraile – 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Aso To’ona’i – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Aso Sa – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
E mafai ona fa’atalosaga aso e totogiina ai fualaau ma vai talavai. E fautuaina fo’i tagata gasegase ia fa’atumuina a outou fuala’au ma vai ma tausisi i taimi fa’atonuina e taumafa ai e tusa ma le fautuaga a le fofoma’i.
Remains of Deceased
The remains of the deceased lost during the tragic tsunami are being embalmed. Remains of those that have been identified can be picked up from the morgue. Families and friends of the deceased are asked to please refrain from frequent visits due to the health risks.
Missing Persons Center
A missing persons center has been established at LBJ Hospital. Those with family members still missing are asked please report here with a Recent picture and/ or a description of their relative (Gender, Approximate Height, Color/ Length of Hair) to help authorities locate missing persons.
Phone number: 633-1975
Hours: 8am - 8pm
Counselling Available
Counselling services are being set up at LBJ for anyone dealing with trauma from the event. Symptoms include a change in behavior such as:
• Panic reaction on exposure to the site of the event
• Change in sleep/ wake cycle
• Emotional disturbances such as increased tearfulness, a sense of doom or hopelessness, increased inability, nightmares, constant thinking about the trauma/ event, guilty feelings of survivors - asking "Why me?", worrying about the future.
Pharmacy Hours
Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5.30pm
Saturday 8am - 2pm
Sunday 8am - 12pm
Arrangements can be made to pay later, everyone is encouraged to get their prescription filled and make sure to stay on their medication for the full cycle.
Tino Maliu
Ile ava ma le fa’aaloalo e tatau ai, e fa’asilasila atu ai o lo’o faia le galuega masani a le falema’i ole fa’amamaina o tino o tagata maliliu uma mai le galu lolo. A mae’a, e mafai ona ona fa’atulaga le aveeseina ole tino maliu o a outou aiga pe’a fai ua uma ona fa’amaonia ma le fale gasegase. E talosaga atu ina ia fesoasoani mai e fa’aitiiti le taimi e asiasi atu ai ile potu maliu aua le puipui ile soifua maloloina.
Ofisa mo Tagata o Aiga o lo’o Sailia
O lo’o fa’amautu nei i le fale gasegase i Fagaalu – LBJ – le ofisa e lipoti atu ai Tagata o Aiga o lo’o tau saili. Fa’amolemole, aiga uma o lo’o saili pea tagata o a latou aiga talu mai le galu lolo, fa’afeso’ota’i mai lenei ofisa, ma taua’ao mai se ata ole tagata o lo’o tau sailia, ma isi fa’amatalaga e tusa ai ma le matua ole tagata, lanu ole lauulu, le maualuga, ma le mamafa. Telefoni mai ile 633-1975 mai le 8 ile taeao e o’o atu ile 8 ile afiafi.
O lo’o mau le fesoasoani ile fale gasegase i Fagaalu, mo so’o se tagata o lo’o mana’omia le fesoasoani i fautuaga ae maise le fa’amafanafana i le fa’afeagai ma nei mafatiaga ua tutupu. O tulaga va’aia e silafia ai ua mana’omia le fesoasoani:
· Foliga popole pe o’o atu ile nofoaga ua afaina pe ua fa’atamaia ile fa’alavelave
· Suiga ile taimi e tofa ai ma toe alafa’i ai – le moe lelei
· Fa’ateleina le loto vaivai, tagi i taimi uma ma mafaufau pea ile fa’alavelave ua tuana’i, fa’apea ma le fesiligia pe aisea ua tupu ai le fa’alavelave, ma popole ile lumana’i
Itula Fa’atulagaina e Maua ai Talavai
Aso Gafua ile Aso Faraile – 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Aso To’ona’i – 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Aso Sa – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
E mafai ona fa’atalosaga aso e totogiina ai fualaau ma vai talavai. E fautuaina fo’i tagata gasegase ia fa’atumuina a outou fuala’au ma vai ma tausisi i taimi fa’atonuina e taumafa ai e tusa ma le fautuaga a le fofoma’i.
Emergency Notice: FEMA Update
Following is a summary of an update on relief efforts on the ground in American Samoa, pursuant to a conference call with FEMA and the White House.
FEMA and other federal agencies have 120 people on the ground assisting with relief efforts. Three hundred homes were destroyed. Thirty-four people are confirmed dead and search and rescue continue. There are 9 shelters currently open, with 1384 registered people in 210 families. The Red Cross is doing a great job in providing food relief to 2000 people a day. Because of the amazing response by the local government, federal government, people and businesses that have donated, the Red Cross has enough food on island to continue its food relief mission for the next 2 ½ months. These numbers will no doubt change and I’ll update you as they come in.
It is not known when schools will reopen, but some may soon. The port, airport, hospital are operational. No medical teams are needed since hospital services have stabilized and many helping hands are on island. (Two medical teams have redeployed to Hawaii preparing for typhoon heading towards CNMI and Guam). The water system is stabilizing but water pressure remains very low. Electrical power remains a critical priority and will continue to fluctuate over the next few days. The eastern district is still without power and generators are being moved in to those affected villages. There is still limited mobile phone service.
The Red Cross has set up a website www.redcross.org\safeandwell for people outside of American Samoa to check if their loved ones self-registered that they are safe and well. This requires people here to register on the site, but I believe the Red Cross and LDS is doing the registration for people. You can also call 1-866-GET-INFO and they will continue to do this as long as needed.
In short, thanks to the generosity and quick response of so many people, there is great manpower and commodities on island now to take care of the basic needs of our displaced families for the short term. But we will continue to need help until we can get families back on their feet.( Independent Samoa remains in great need of assistance.) Even though the relief supplies are plenty, the key is to get these out to the families in need and it appears to be going ok. Between the shelters and relatives, displaced families have places to live but, 20 to a house is difficult to sustain. As basic needs are met, displaced families are beginning to ask “Now what?” FEMA is out in the fields doing their best to assess and move the process along.
Thank you,
FEMA and other federal agencies have 120 people on the ground assisting with relief efforts. Three hundred homes were destroyed. Thirty-four people are confirmed dead and search and rescue continue. There are 9 shelters currently open, with 1384 registered people in 210 families. The Red Cross is doing a great job in providing food relief to 2000 people a day. Because of the amazing response by the local government, federal government, people and businesses that have donated, the Red Cross has enough food on island to continue its food relief mission for the next 2 ½ months. These numbers will no doubt change and I’ll update you as they come in.
It is not known when schools will reopen, but some may soon. The port, airport, hospital are operational. No medical teams are needed since hospital services have stabilized and many helping hands are on island. (Two medical teams have redeployed to Hawaii preparing for typhoon heading towards CNMI and Guam). The water system is stabilizing but water pressure remains very low. Electrical power remains a critical priority and will continue to fluctuate over the next few days. The eastern district is still without power and generators are being moved in to those affected villages. There is still limited mobile phone service.
The Red Cross has set up a website www.redcross.org\safeandwell for people outside of American Samoa to check if their loved ones self-registered that they are safe and well. This requires people here to register on the site, but I believe the Red Cross and LDS is doing the registration for people. You can also call 1-866-GET-INFO and they will continue to do this as long as needed.
In short, thanks to the generosity and quick response of so many people, there is great manpower and commodities on island now to take care of the basic needs of our displaced families for the short term. But we will continue to need help until we can get families back on their feet.( Independent Samoa remains in great need of assistance.) Even though the relief supplies are plenty, the key is to get these out to the families in need and it appears to be going ok. Between the shelters and relatives, displaced families have places to live but, 20 to a house is difficult to sustain. As basic needs are met, displaced families are beginning to ask “Now what?” FEMA is out in the fields doing their best to assess and move the process along.
Thank you,
Emergency Notice: Where to take donations 2
Here is another excellent and reliable way to donate. ANZ American Samoa Bank and the local Red Cross are partnering up to receive funds for tsunami victims. Please see below an abstract sent to me by David Whitby, President and CEO or ANZ Bank. For those who are not comfortable sending via slow mail, here is your chance to help, both our local ANZ and BOH banks have now set up relief funds for our local community.
ANZ and Red Cross American Samoa “American Samoa Tsunami Appeal”
“The American Samoa branch of the American Red Cross and the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank announced today that they are jointly co-ordinating donations for a Tsunami Appeal for those impacted by the recent tsunami & earthquake
In American Samoa arrangements have been made with the local Red Cross for donations to be accepted at Branches of the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank. “100% of these funds will directly benefit the Red Cross relief efforts in American Samoa” said David Whitby CEO ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”
“How to donate:
· Donations to American Red Cross -American Samoa can be deposited directly to the ‘American Samoa Tsunami Appeal’ account number 540467 routing number 121404022 at ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”
Our thanks go out to Beti Ward of Pacific Air for donating space on their cargo plane for shipment of relief supplies from Hawaii. Thank you Scott Fujii of BOH for forwarding that helpful information to us!!
Lapata’iga Taua mai le Ofisa Puipuiga o le Si’osi’omaga (EPA) mo Alavai ma Matafaga
E fa’asilasila atu ma le ava e tatau ai, ua fa’atamaia le tele o alavai e o’o atu i matafaga ole Fagaloa ae maise le alaalafaga i Pago Pago, ona ole tele ole otaota ma lapisi, fa’apea suau’u leaga, ma isi vai la’au o’ona o lo’o lafoa’i mai ma tafe atu nei alavai ma matafaga ona ole lapisi mai le fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i lea na mafua mai i galu lolo.
E le o saogalemu ma e matua afaina ai fo’i le soifua maloloina o tagata, o lea e fautuina ai le mamalu, e le tatau ona toe taele pe fagota i nei alavai ma matafaga se’i vagana ua toe fa’amaonia e lenei ofisa ua toe mama ma saogalemu tulaga o nei alavai ma matafaga.
Ole a faia su’esu’ega a le Ofisa ole EPA ilea so Faraile, Oketopa 2, 2009, e fa’amaonia le tulaga afaina o alavai ma matafaga i Amerika Samoa, ma toe faia se fa’aaliga i se taimi oi luma.
ANZ and Red Cross American Samoa “American Samoa Tsunami Appeal”
“The American Samoa branch of the American Red Cross and the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank announced today that they are jointly co-ordinating donations for a Tsunami Appeal for those impacted by the recent tsunami & earthquake
In American Samoa arrangements have been made with the local Red Cross for donations to be accepted at Branches of the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank. “100% of these funds will directly benefit the Red Cross relief efforts in American Samoa” said David Whitby CEO ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”
“How to donate:
· Donations to American Red Cross -American Samoa can be deposited directly to the ‘American Samoa Tsunami Appeal’ account number 540467 routing number 121404022 at ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”
Our thanks go out to Beti Ward of Pacific Air for donating space on their cargo plane for shipment of relief supplies from Hawaii. Thank you Scott Fujii of BOH for forwarding that helpful information to us!!
Lapata’iga Taua mai le Ofisa Puipuiga o le Si’osi’omaga (EPA) mo Alavai ma Matafaga
E fa’asilasila atu ma le ava e tatau ai, ua fa’atamaia le tele o alavai e o’o atu i matafaga ole Fagaloa ae maise le alaalafaga i Pago Pago, ona ole tele ole otaota ma lapisi, fa’apea suau’u leaga, ma isi vai la’au o’ona o lo’o lafoa’i mai ma tafe atu nei alavai ma matafaga ona ole lapisi mai le fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i lea na mafua mai i galu lolo.
E le o saogalemu ma e matua afaina ai fo’i le soifua maloloina o tagata, o lea e fautuina ai le mamalu, e le tatau ona toe taele pe fagota i nei alavai ma matafaga se’i vagana ua toe fa’amaonia e lenei ofisa ua toe mama ma saogalemu tulaga o nei alavai ma matafaga.
Ole a faia su’esu’ega a le Ofisa ole EPA ilea so Faraile, Oketopa 2, 2009, e fa’amaonia le tulaga afaina o alavai ma matafaga i Amerika Samoa, ma toe faia se fa’aaliga i se taimi oi luma.
Emergency Notice: EPA Announcement
Bulletin from Environmental Protection Agency: Beaches, Harbours, Streams Advisory
The Public is informed that all beaches, streams and harbours in American Samoa, especially in the Pago Pago harbour are likely to be contaminated because of fuel, hazardous materials and debris that are in the water as a result of the disaster.
Until these are determined as safe, the public should not swim, wade or fish in the seas or streams. Recreating in these waters puts you at risk of serious infection and illness. Please take precautions.
EPA will be conducting testing today Friday, October 2nd, 2009 to determine the contamination risks. All the beaches, harbours and streams in American Samoa are under advisory until further notice.
The Public is informed that all beaches, streams and harbours in American Samoa, especially in the Pago Pago harbour are likely to be contaminated because of fuel, hazardous materials and debris that are in the water as a result of the disaster.
Until these are determined as safe, the public should not swim, wade or fish in the seas or streams. Recreating in these waters puts you at risk of serious infection and illness. Please take precautions.
EPA will be conducting testing today Friday, October 2nd, 2009 to determine the contamination risks. All the beaches, harbours and streams in American Samoa are under advisory until further notice.
Emergency Notice: Message from BlueSky CEO
Dear Partners & Friends,
On behalf of the management and staff of Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV we extend our sincere gratitude and thanks to all who have offered support and pledges of assistance during American Samoa’s time of need. The Tsunamis that devastated the coastal villages of American Samoa on September 29, 2009 left a destruction that has never been seen or experienced on our shores. Scores of people have suffered losses too many to count. However, we take comfort in the overwhelming response for aid and assistance received from the US Federal Government, the American Red Cross and numerous groups and individuals that have answered American Samoa’s call for help.
We are indebted to each of you for your unwavering support, words of comfort and concern. At this moment, Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV are working with the American Red Cross to offer assistance throughout the island. Blue Sky Communications has setup a “BlueSky Tsunami Relief Fund” to which you can make your financial donations and contributions. We will, in turn, collect the donated funds and provide them to the American Red Cross as assistance for American Samoa.
Bank details to which your donations can be made are provided below:
Bank: Bank of Hawaii
Routing number: 121301028
Swift Code: BOHIUS77
Account number: 0034144915
Account Name: AST Telecom LLC
Blue Sky Tsunami Relief Fund
Bank Address: P.O. Box 69 Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Beneficiary: AST Telecom, LLC dba Blue Sky Communications
Our management and staff, and our citizens of American Samoa have been blessed by the kindness shown so far. We will continue to provide you with updates on the relief effort in American Samoa over the next few weeks. We thank you, once again, for your generosity.
Adolfo Montenegro,
CEO Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV
On behalf of the management and staff of Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV we extend our sincere gratitude and thanks to all who have offered support and pledges of assistance during American Samoa’s time of need. The Tsunamis that devastated the coastal villages of American Samoa on September 29, 2009 left a destruction that has never been seen or experienced on our shores. Scores of people have suffered losses too many to count. However, we take comfort in the overwhelming response for aid and assistance received from the US Federal Government, the American Red Cross and numerous groups and individuals that have answered American Samoa’s call for help.
We are indebted to each of you for your unwavering support, words of comfort and concern. At this moment, Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV are working with the American Red Cross to offer assistance throughout the island. Blue Sky Communications has setup a “BlueSky Tsunami Relief Fund” to which you can make your financial donations and contributions. We will, in turn, collect the donated funds and provide them to the American Red Cross as assistance for American Samoa.
Bank details to which your donations can be made are provided below:
Bank: Bank of Hawaii
Routing number: 121301028
Swift Code: BOHIUS77
Account number: 0034144915
Account Name: AST Telecom LLC
Blue Sky Tsunami Relief Fund
Bank Address: P.O. Box 69 Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Beneficiary: AST Telecom, LLC dba Blue Sky Communications
Our management and staff, and our citizens of American Samoa have been blessed by the kindness shown so far. We will continue to provide you with updates on the relief effort in American Samoa over the next few weeks. We thank you, once again, for your generosity.
Adolfo Montenegro,
CEO Blue Sky Communications and Moana TV
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Emergency Notice: Where to take donations
Talofa colleagues, friends and family,
Thank you to so many of you who have emailed us with your prayers and offers of help. Your generosity and kindness are overwhelming.
Thanks to my wonderful cousin Christina Lutu Sanchez who put us in touch with Tony Feist, VP of Consolidators International (CII) in California who spoke with Gary King of PiCED L.A.--we now have container(s) to ship relief supplies through the generosity of Consolidators International. Fa'afetai fa'afetai Tony!!!
Pursuant to Tony's instructions for L.A., please get your relief donations to the collection site in Carson so they can deliver supplies to the CII drop-off location as soon as possible. The absolute last day for delivery to CII is Oct. 8, with arrival to Pago on Nov. 2.
Here are the locations for relief supplies drop off: THE IMMEDIATE NEEDS ARE WATER, CANNED FOODS, RICE, FIRST AID MEDICINES and clothes, tents and canopies. Red Cross and FEMA are doing an awesome job getting relief supplies out to families, but food supplies will continue to be in great need over the next few weeks.
For the L.A. area:
Samoan Congregational Christian Church of South Los Angeles
1249 E. Carson St.
Carson, CA 90745.
(Contact: Kennedy or Myron Mailo)
Relief supplies must be delivered to CII by Oct. 8. Have your donations delivered to church location by the 7th.
For San Francisco area:
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa
260 Sagamore Street
SF, CA 94112
(Contact: Manufou Liaiga-Anoa'i)
Deliver up til Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M.
For San Diego area:
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church
13612 Hoover St.
Westminster, CA 92683
(Contact: Tina Wahinepio)
Please clearly identify "AMERICAN SAMOA" or "SAMOA" in your donation.
American Red Cross - American Samoa
P.O. Box 2635
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Memo: Disaster Relief AMERICAN SAMOA
For Samoa:
Red Cross Society - Samoa
P.O. Box 1616
Apia, Samoa
Attn: Tala Mauala -- Secretary/General of Samoa Red Cross
The above information for Red Cross is correct. However, if there are those out there that would prefer to donate to the National Red Cross, you can donate online...just note whether your donation is for AMERICAN SAMOA or SAMOA.
American Red Cross
PO Box 4002018
Des Moines, IA 50340-2018
Here are other online donation sites:
The Mormon Church's donation site - Click Here
To donate specifically to independent Samoa relief, go through New Zealand's Red Cross donation page. Click Here
Thank you for your support,
Thank you to so many of you who have emailed us with your prayers and offers of help. Your generosity and kindness are overwhelming.
Thanks to my wonderful cousin Christina Lutu Sanchez who put us in touch with Tony Feist, VP of Consolidators International (CII) in California who spoke with Gary King of PiCED L.A.--we now have container(s) to ship relief supplies through the generosity of Consolidators International. Fa'afetai fa'afetai Tony!!!
Pursuant to Tony's instructions for L.A., please get your relief donations to the collection site in Carson so they can deliver supplies to the CII drop-off location as soon as possible. The absolute last day for delivery to CII is Oct. 8, with arrival to Pago on Nov. 2.
Here are the locations for relief supplies drop off: THE IMMEDIATE NEEDS ARE WATER, CANNED FOODS, RICE, FIRST AID MEDICINES and clothes, tents and canopies. Red Cross and FEMA are doing an awesome job getting relief supplies out to families, but food supplies will continue to be in great need over the next few weeks.
For the L.A. area:
Samoan Congregational Christian Church of South Los Angeles
1249 E. Carson St.
Carson, CA 90745.
(Contact: Kennedy or Myron Mailo)
Relief supplies must be delivered to CII by Oct. 8. Have your donations delivered to church location by the 7th.
For San Francisco area:
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa
260 Sagamore Street
SF, CA 94112
(Contact: Manufou Liaiga-Anoa'i)
Deliver up til Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009 AT 7:00 P.M.
For San Diego area:
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church
13612 Hoover St.
Westminster, CA 92683
(Contact: Tina Wahinepio)
Please clearly identify "AMERICAN SAMOA" or "SAMOA" in your donation.
American Red Cross - American Samoa
P.O. Box 2635
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Memo: Disaster Relief AMERICAN SAMOA
For Samoa:
Red Cross Society - Samoa
P.O. Box 1616
Apia, Samoa
Attn: Tala Mauala -- Secretary/General of Samoa Red Cross
The above information for Red Cross is correct. However, if there are those out there that would prefer to donate to the National Red Cross, you can donate online...just note whether your donation is for AMERICAN SAMOA or SAMOA.
American Red Cross
PO Box 4002018
Des Moines, IA 50340-2018
Here are other online donation sites:
The Mormon Church's donation site - Click Here
To donate specifically to independent Samoa relief, go through New Zealand's Red Cross donation page. Click Here
Thank you for your support,
Emergency Notice: Veteran's Student Announcement
Veteran's students from American Samoa or other Pacific Island country attending school off island and in need of funds to get home must immediately contact their Regional Office for assistance or contact Ms. Rosie Tago Lancaster, American Samoa Community College Veteran's Affairs Coordinator with your name and social security number. Special arrangements have been made with Muskogie Regional Office for assistance in getting these students home in a timely manner.
Contact No: 258-2900
Rosie Tago Lancaster
Contact No: 258-2900
Rosie Tago Lancaster
Emergency Notice: EOC Announcement 2
For people from off island without families or homes here in need of assistance, please contact the Emergency Operations Center to make arrangements for you to be transported to the nearest shelter.
Contact phone number: 699-3800
Fa’aaliga Taua mai le Ofisa a le EOC - Auala Fesoasoani i Fale To’omaga
Mo i latou uma mai atunu’u i fafo e le iai ni aiga po’o nofoaga e fa’amautu ai, fa’amolemole telefoni mai ile Ofisa a le EOC mo le fesoasoani e o’o atu ai i nofoaga ua saunia e maua ai le fesoasoani.
Telefoni mai ile 699-3800.
For people from off island without families or homes here in need of assistance, please contact the Emergency Operations Center to make arrangements for you to be transported to the nearest shelter.
Contact phone number: 699-3800
Fa’aaliga Taua mai le Ofisa a le EOC - Auala Fesoasoani i Fale To’omaga
Mo i latou uma mai atunu’u i fafo e le iai ni aiga po’o nofoaga e fa’amautu ai, fa’amolemole telefoni mai ile Ofisa a le EOC mo le fesoasoani e o’o atu ai i nofoaga ua saunia e maua ai le fesoasoani.
Telefoni mai ile 699-3800.
Emergency Notice: EOC Announcement 1
To those in urgent need of supplies, please be advised to contact your Pulenu'u with your needs. EOC is currently working with the Pulenu'us and the Samoan Affairs Office to coordinate the timely delivering of supplies where they are needed.
Please assist us by making your Pulenu'u your first point of contact.
Fa’aaliga Taua mai le Ofisa a le EOC – Fa’afesota’i a Outou Pulenu’u
Mo i latou uma o lo’o mana’omia le fesoasoani, fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i le Pulenu’u o lo outou alaalafaga. O lo’o feso’ota’i le Ofisa a le EOC ma le Pulenu’u uma fa’apea le Ofisa o Matuupu o Samoa mo le fa’amautuina o le lisi o aiga ma le fesoasoani o lo’o mana’omia.
Fa’amolemole fesoasoani mai ma fa’aaoga le tatou Pulenu’u e fai ma sui o lo outou alaalafaga ma le Ofisa nei.
To those in urgent need of supplies, please be advised to contact your Pulenu'u with your needs. EOC is currently working with the Pulenu'us and the Samoan Affairs Office to coordinate the timely delivering of supplies where they are needed.
Please assist us by making your Pulenu'u your first point of contact.
Fa’aaliga Taua mai le Ofisa a le EOC – Fa’afesota’i a Outou Pulenu’u
Mo i latou uma o lo’o mana’omia le fesoasoani, fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i le Pulenu’u o lo outou alaalafaga. O lo’o feso’ota’i le Ofisa a le EOC ma le Pulenu’u uma fa’apea le Ofisa o Matuupu o Samoa mo le fa’amautuina o le lisi o aiga ma le fesoasoani o lo’o mana’omia.
Fa’amolemole fesoasoani mai ma fa’aaoga le tatou Pulenu’u e fai ma sui o lo outou alaalafaga ma le Ofisa nei.
Emergency Notice: Relief Support
Teen Challenge American Samoa – Tsunami Relief Support
Crisis Line open 24 hours - 699-2635, 699-2644
* Counselling
* Encouragement
* Prayer
* Referral for Shelter Placement
* Referral to agency that will help in their particular need.
Teen Challenge Center is also your "Tsunami" Relief Support Drop Off center.
Crisis Line open 24 hours - 699-2635, 699-2644
* Counselling
* Encouragement
* Prayer
* Referral for Shelter Placement
* Referral to agency that will help in their particular need.
Teen Challenge Center is also your "Tsunami" Relief Support Drop Off center.
Emergency Notice: Relief Shelters
The American Samoa Red Cross Chapter have assigned the following locations as "Relief Shelters" for residents of American Samoa that suffered property and personal damage from the recent Tsunami disaster.
Eastern District Shelters:
* Pago Pago Assembly of God Hall
* Alao Catholic Mission
* Alofau Elementary School
* Fagaitua CCCAS Church/Hall
* Masefau CCCAS Church/Hall
* Tula - Iuli
* Vatia LDS
Western District Shelters:
* Leone - Catholic Youth Center @ Old Marist High School in Malaeloa
* Leone LDS
* Nua & Setaga - Alataua Lua
* Amanave - Taua'i Guest House
* Asili - CCCAS Pastor's Residence
Interested individuals and organizations wishing to help are asked to please donate food, water and clothing. If possible deliver these specific donated items directly to the designated shelters for immediate distribution to the families in need. Preferably donated clothing must be washed and dry. Delivering donations directly to the shelter helps with the limited resources available and saves time. Financial contributions can be made directly to the American Samoa Red Cross office to buy water and food for relief workers and families in need.
E fa’asilasila atu ma le fa’aaloalo e le Koluse Mumu a Amerika Samoa, nofoaga nei ua filifilia ma to’omaga mo le mamalu o aiga o lo’o mafatia ona ua afaina maota ma alaalafaga mai galu lolo.
Falelima i Sasa’e:
* Pago Pago Assembly of God Hall
* Alao Catholic Mission
* Alofau Elementary School
* Fagaitua CCCAS Church/Hall
* Masefau CCCAS Church/Hall
* Tula - Iuli
* Vatia LDS
Falelima i Sisifo:
* Leone - Catholic Youth Center @ Old Marist High School in Malaeloa
* Leone LDS
* Nua & Setaga - Alataua Lua
* Amanave - Taua'i Guest House
* Asili - CCCAS Pastor's Residence
E fa’atalosaga atu mo i latou uma o lo’o mafai ona foa’i e fesoasoani i aiga ua mafatia, fa’amolemole momoli mea taumafa, vai taumafa fa’apea ma lavalava i nofoaga nei, e mafai ai ona fa’asoa vave atu i aiga o lo’o mana’omia lenei fesoasoani. O le fa’amama avega le momoli sa’o o le foa’i i nofoaga nei; o lo’o iai fo’i le avanoa e mafai ona momoli ai le fesoasoani tupe ile ofisa ole Koluse Mumu, aua le fa’atauina o mea ai ma vai taumafa mo aiga mafatia fa’apea tagata o lo’o galulue ile fa’ao’o atu ole fesoasoani
The American Samoa Red Cross Chapter have assigned the following locations as "Relief Shelters" for residents of American Samoa that suffered property and personal damage from the recent Tsunami disaster.
Eastern District Shelters:
* Pago Pago Assembly of God Hall
* Alao Catholic Mission
* Alofau Elementary School
* Fagaitua CCCAS Church/Hall
* Masefau CCCAS Church/Hall
* Tula - Iuli
* Vatia LDS
Western District Shelters:
* Leone - Catholic Youth Center @ Old Marist High School in Malaeloa
* Leone LDS
* Nua & Setaga - Alataua Lua
* Amanave - Taua'i Guest House
* Asili - CCCAS Pastor's Residence
Interested individuals and organizations wishing to help are asked to please donate food, water and clothing. If possible deliver these specific donated items directly to the designated shelters for immediate distribution to the families in need. Preferably donated clothing must be washed and dry. Delivering donations directly to the shelter helps with the limited resources available and saves time. Financial contributions can be made directly to the American Samoa Red Cross office to buy water and food for relief workers and families in need.
E fa’asilasila atu ma le fa’aaloalo e le Koluse Mumu a Amerika Samoa, nofoaga nei ua filifilia ma to’omaga mo le mamalu o aiga o lo’o mafatia ona ua afaina maota ma alaalafaga mai galu lolo.
Falelima i Sasa’e:
* Pago Pago Assembly of God Hall
* Alao Catholic Mission
* Alofau Elementary School
* Fagaitua CCCAS Church/Hall
* Masefau CCCAS Church/Hall
* Tula - Iuli
* Vatia LDS
Falelima i Sisifo:
* Leone - Catholic Youth Center @ Old Marist High School in Malaeloa
* Leone LDS
* Nua & Setaga - Alataua Lua
* Amanave - Taua'i Guest House
* Asili - CCCAS Pastor's Residence
E fa’atalosaga atu mo i latou uma o lo’o mafai ona foa’i e fesoasoani i aiga ua mafatia, fa’amolemole momoli mea taumafa, vai taumafa fa’apea ma lavalava i nofoaga nei, e mafai ai ona fa’asoa vave atu i aiga o lo’o mana’omia lenei fesoasoani. O le fa’amama avega le momoli sa’o o le foa’i i nofoaga nei; o lo’o iai fo’i le avanoa e mafai ona momoli ai le fesoasoani tupe ile ofisa ole Koluse Mumu, aua le fa’atauina o mea ai ma vai taumafa mo aiga mafatia fa’apea tagata o lo’o galulue ile fa’ao’o atu ole fesoasoani
Emergency Notice: Clothes & Supplies Drive
A CLOTHING & SUPPLIES DRIVE is being organized to collect supplies for our families & friends affected by the earthquake / tsunami. Please donate any new or used clothing you can spare.
Needed items include: Toiletries(toothpaste, soap, paper...etc), water hoses(used as showers), tarpauline, pillows...etc.
All items appreciated.
Drop off point is now at ASCC Security Office, Malaeimi.
Please contact Lawrence Wilson @ 731-4190 to arrange for pick up of clothing & supplies if needed.
Thank you.
Needed items include: Toiletries(toothpaste, soap, paper...etc), water hoses(used as showers), tarpauline, pillows...etc.
All items appreciated.
Drop off point is now at ASCC Security Office, Malaeimi.
Please contact Lawrence Wilson @ 731-4190 to arrange for pick up of clothing & supplies if needed.
Thank you.
Emergency Notice: Free Minutes & Wifi Access
To assist with communications at this difficult time, BlueSky Communication’s is giving 100 free local minutes to all BlueSky Subscribers & has opened the following WiFi Hotspots for free public use:
• McDonalds Tafuna
• Laufou Center
• LBJ Hospital
• Veterans Stadium
• Sadies by the Sea
• Tafuna International Airport
Management - BlueSky Communications
• McDonalds Tafuna
• Laufou Center
• LBJ Hospital
• Veterans Stadium
• Sadies by the Sea
• Tafuna International Airport
Management - BlueSky Communications
Emergency Notice: Supplies
Hawaiian Airlines and Bank of Hawaii employees will be offering donated supplies of food, water and bedding to families in need from the Utulei and Pavaivai Branches of Bank of Hawaii from Wednesday, October 1st, 2009, starting at 10am.
Please collect supplies for your families in need from these locations while supplies last.
Please collect supplies for your families in need from these locations while supplies last.
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