Bluesky Communications is at ASCC from now until Friday, giving every student, old or new, a chance to take advantage of the many specials we're offering.
First, get a chance to get our Motorola V235, with FREE activation, for just $49! Elegant style seekers will experience mobile nirvana with just one look at the Motorola V235. Featuring a large, vivid color display with
an alluring key pad housed within a silver flip phone, this handset is sure to satisfy even the most discerning style-conscious consumer.For those seeking style and affordable connections, the Motorola V235 is the clear mobile choice. This special is only available at ASCC and only until Friday!
Also, we have our "Be In A Bluesky Ad" Talent Search! Sign Up at the Bluesky Tent for your chance to Be In A Bluesky Ad! And just for signing up we'll give you a free prize! But you have to come down before ASCC Registration closes Friday afternoon.
Another great deal we have is the Moana TV Referral Special. All existing Moana TV subscribers can sign up a new cable customer and get your new Moana TV subscriber FREE INSTALLATION! Not only that, YOU get a FREE MOTOROLA RAZR! Pick up your Moana TV Referral Coupon at ASCC!
All these deals and more can be found at the American Samoa Community College and only until Friday afternoon! We'll see you there!