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Friday, October 2, 2009

Emergency Notice: Where to take donations 2

Here is another excellent and reliable way to donate. ANZ American Samoa Bank and the local Red Cross are partnering up to receive funds for tsunami victims. Please see below an abstract sent to me by David Whitby, President and CEO or ANZ Bank. For those who are not comfortable sending via slow mail, here is your chance to help, both our local ANZ and BOH banks have now set up relief funds for our local community.

ANZ and Red Cross American Samoa “American Samoa Tsunami Appeal”

“The American Samoa branch of the American Red Cross and the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank announced today that they are jointly co-ordinating donations for a Tsunami Appeal for those impacted by the recent tsunami & earthquake

In American Samoa arrangements have been made with the local Red Cross for donations to be accepted at Branches of the ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank. “100% of these funds will directly benefit the Red Cross relief efforts in American Samoa” said David Whitby CEO ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”

“How to donate:

· Donations to American Red Cross -American Samoa can be deposited directly to the ‘American Samoa Tsunami Appeal’ account number 540467 routing number 121404022 at ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank”

Our thanks go out to Beti Ward of Pacific Air for donating space on their cargo plane for shipment of relief supplies from Hawaii. Thank you Scott Fujii of BOH for forwarding that helpful information to us!!

Lapata’iga Taua mai le Ofisa Puipuiga o le Si’osi’omaga (EPA) mo Alavai ma Matafaga

E fa’asilasila atu ma le ava e tatau ai, ua fa’atamaia le tele o alavai e o’o atu i matafaga ole Fagaloa ae maise le alaalafaga i Pago Pago, ona ole tele ole otaota ma lapisi, fa’apea suau’u leaga, ma isi vai la’au o’ona o lo’o lafoa’i mai ma tafe atu nei alavai ma matafaga ona ole lapisi mai le fa’alavelave fa’afuase’i lea na mafua mai i galu lolo.

E le o saogalemu ma e matua afaina ai fo’i le soifua maloloina o tagata, o lea e fautuina ai le mamalu, e le tatau ona toe taele pe fagota i nei alavai ma matafaga se’i vagana ua toe fa’amaonia e lenei ofisa ua toe mama ma saogalemu tulaga o nei alavai ma matafaga.

Ole a faia su’esu’ega a le Ofisa ole EPA ilea so Faraile, Oketopa 2, 2009, e fa’amaonia le tulaga afaina o alavai ma matafaga i Amerika Samoa, ma toe faia se fa’aaliga i se taimi oi luma.
